Sunday, March 1, 2015

That Perfect Ideal

Such a beautiful scene above, isn't it? When we picture our perfect world, that's what we see. A pristine scene of white, pure snow evenly distributed throughout the land.
Right smack in the middle lays a beautiful red house, boldly standing out among it's surroundings. That house symbolizing a perfect home for a perfect family who are living the perfect life.
Who wouldn't be envious of that?
I have been working on being grateful for what I have. Contentment the main goal to achieve. It is difficult, isn't it, to make an effort to be content with one's life?
One would think we would gladly accept happiness and contentment over strife. Yet, quite the opposite is true. We are never satisfied with the way things are going in our lives. One obstacle becomes solved and suddenly we think of another.
My children have a way of bringing me down to earth whenever I do the same. My son Joseph, for instance, reminds me constantly not to measure my level of success with someone else's. My daughter Emily, begins quoting past sermons and verses holding me accountable.
Of course, they're both right. When did they become so smart?
I know I have held onto my ideal for what I wanted in my life, but I have learned that what I want may not be necessarily the right thing for me. Yes, that beautiful home above looks perfect in every way, but it may not be the perfect one for what I need to do here.
Others may look upon my life and wish they were living in my shoes. I bet my dear friend Linda, wishes her health was as good as mine right now. She doesn't care if she's living in a beautiful home, she just wants to live in a healthy body.
So I'm learning to be content. Learning to love the road I'm on no matter the potholes I may encounter. Learning to accept God's guidance and the fact that He knows the right path to place me on. All I have to do is ask for His help and allow Him  to lead.
Who knows? Maybe one day, He will lead me to a similar scene like the one above.
Have a Blessed day everyone.

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