Thursday, March 19, 2015


A job is a job, but once in a while, that job provides something really cool and useful. Every first quarter, we are provided with biometric screening by our workplace, all voluntary and free, if we choose to do so. This has been my third year in participating.

I was very curious to see how my levels were doing ever since I have given up my sugar. I know it has only been a week, but every small effort helps.

I went during my lunch hour and this test took a good chunk of it away, lasting a total of fifteen minutes. They took my weight, my height and pricked my finger to draw some blood.

I knew what the results would be like since basically they haven't changed much in the three years.
Total Cholesterol = 217 = borderline
HDL ( good cholesterol)= 45 = high risk
                      If I was 5 mg higher, I would have been average.
Tri-Glycerides = 130 = normal
LDL ( bad cholesterol ) = 145 = borderline
Glucose = 103 = normal
Blood Pressure = 117/88 = great
BMI = 39.1 = fatso
Weight = 212 = I actually lost a pound

After comparing it to the last two years, I have gown down in glucose  and tri-glycerides. I used to be borderline in  everything. If these 30 days do anything, I certainly hope they change some of these numbers for the better. I am definitely willing to try to do something about it, even though I am missing my coffee with sugar desperately.

My three day work project came to an end and I'm back to my regular schedule. Boy, am I glad! Yesterday, I was so tempted and drooling to have some sugar, even a lollipop would have sufficed.

These past three days were a huge test for me, surrounding me with muffins, cupcakes, donuts, cookies, potato chips and even granola bars. I did fine until the last day when a fellow associate brought in a Dunkin Donuts coffee for herself, one of my favorite types. She sat next to me and I drooled, but I never gave in. I thought about it for the rest of the day, which resulted in an early night for me.
 and many glasses of water.

Well, I'm baring my soul and shame with all of you. Not often that I share my weight. It's all about accountability!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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