Sunday, March 29, 2015

Day 16

There are 3 types of friendships.
Friends that stay for a reason
Friends that stay for a season
Friends that stay forever.
Holley Gerth.

Today was not a good day. It was one of those days where we want to chuck it all in and lay down in a heap, crying at how our life has turned out. I sat down and wrote a cold story with a dose of blunt reality sprinkled on top, with plans of running away. My plan was to post it when I get home from work. In truth, I believe God stepped in.  
As I went about my day, unhappy with everyone and everything, vowing to never speak to people again. I was tired of getting beaten down with life's troubles, especially the work kind. Why, Lord, why? kept echoing inside my head.
A funny thing happened along the way. For the rest of the day, every time I opened my devotion or verse or any scripture on my phone, they all ran along the lines of something like this:

He knows as long as we live in a fallen, broken world we will go through challenges, have hard days and face obstacles that seem insurmountable. Holley Gerth

It was both a reminder and a promise from Him to me. So I came home and deleted that story, posting  this one in place of it. The following I wanted to share with all of you in hopes of lifting anyone's spirit in the same way it has done for me. I believe that we all have those moments where we need to be reminded that we are not alone in  our struggles, especially if we cannot comfort ourselves with sugar.

If you have every planted a garden, you know that seed does not do well on hard ground. No matter how many seeds thrown to the ground, they will just bounce around until they are either eaten or blown away. In order for the seeds to take root and produce fruit, they must actually enter into the ground which means the ground must first be plowed.
Plowing is not easy. It takes time and energy to break open the dry ground in order to expose and prepare the soil underneath. The same is true with our hearts. Apart from God, our hearts are sun dried and barren, but when we begin honestly looking into the Word of God, the Holy Spirit begins plowing our heart so that we will receive the Truths of God. Just like gardening, it can be hard but it is worth the effort. The more we take God's Word to heart, the more God digs out rocks of sin and pride, while planting great promises. God desires to see our lives filled with the fruit of His Spirit, but we must first be willing to be broken. Don't fight it, embrace it, and you will find great joy awaiting the other end.
Life Lesson: The Word of God is our source for everything we need to know about God, ourselves and salvation.
Dear God,
Thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the love that You have shown me and the promise that You can make me new. Give me the strength to trust You as you plow my heart. Open my heart to understanding and my mind to your Truth. Plant in me all that You desire and use me to be a vessel of your grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Living to tell what He died to say,
Pastor David McGee
Cross the Bridge
Have a Blessed day everyone.

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