Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Minor Setback

Boy, I'm having a great start to the New Year. Everything I have said I would improve on, turned out even worse than before. Talk about being tested.

Of course, I'm not surprised. Saying it and doing it are two separate things. Acting out my intentions has never been easy for me. My New Year's resolution was to be a better person. Well, almost immediately I was asked to be a better person at work and I totally rebelled like a spoiled child.

Be very careful for what you ask.

As always, God sees what we don't. There were obviously reasons for the way things turned out, except that I fought them instead of going along with the flow. I say I want to quit worrying and let Jesus lead our way and what happens? I still rebel and take the lead on my own.

Why can't we allow God to take the wheel? We say we trust Him, yet our actions prove otherwise.

This week I'm a little on edge since I'm having a small procedure at the dentist's and I'm very nervous. There will be some swelling and bruising, but that's a price I have to pay for not being proactive in the past.

This year, I made a secret promise to myself to get some of these issues resolved that I have procrastinated on. Dental happens to be one of them. My arthritis/knee pain is second on the list and new eye glasses heading up in third place.

The rebellion I displayed at work involved my vacation time, but now I can see that I will be needing these days to take care of these issues. That's why things work out the way they do, sometimes in a way we may not like. There are reasons that God only sees. This was one of them.

So the next time you may feel like rebelling at things that aren't quite working the way you may want them to, let it go. Let Him take that wheel. There are reasons that are not known to you yet. Trust Him that He knows what He is doing.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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