Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Giving Thanks

So once again, I'm having car difficulties. Nothing new here.
My first reaction was panic and then worry set in, followed by complaining.

Emily, of course, brought me down to earth quickly. She made me realize what I baby I have been, throwing a fit instead of counting my blessings. Yes, my blessings.

That day I went for a walk in the bitter cold. In truth, I needed change for the laundry. As I walked, I began to look around at all that was before me.

There was the gas station and the grocery store. The fruit market and the bank. The post office on the right and Walgreens to the left. There was the Church, a couple of restaurants and a currency exchange.

All these places right by me. Everything I may need, God placed within walking distance of me. It wouldn't be too difficult if I didn't have a car. It may not be easy at first since we are so used to being driven everywhere, but we would be just fine.

Suddenly, my heart felt lighter and happier. I began thanking Him for everything in my life. I knew then that everything would be okay, because He would take care of us.

That attitude changed my outlook for the remainder of the week as I awaited the outcome of my car. I'm such a worrywart about everything and I know I need to change that if I am to grow in my trust relationship with the Lord.

Am I completely there? No, this will take time, but I'm on my way. I do know that things will work out. When we go through our trials, no matter how small, our first reaction is panic.

Will I be able to make it? Can I survive? What will I do?

All these thoughts run through our mind. It's only natural to worry, but we need to ask ourselves another question.

Is there anything I can do about the situation?

Probably not. So why should I spend all this time worrying? I am very thankful for what I have. I'm able to eat, my bills are paid, I have a job and a place to live. What else do I need?

So I'm very thankful. There are so many out there with a lot less, we need to remember that.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

My car troubles ended up being a loose cable on my battery, costing me nothing, but a tightening up.

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