Monday, March 30, 2015

Day 17

Once in a while, I have a strong desire to post a picture of flowers, especially if they are shown in  a Victorian or Vintage style. Isn't this picture lovely? So serene and calming. I'm just loving the cute little teacups.

It has been a very trying and difficult challenge these past two weeks with no sugar. This may sound silly to you, but I happen to really enjoy those two large mugs of coffee in the morning. Or at least I used to enjoy them.

That small simple pleasure, when taken away, feels gigantic. Isn't it the little things that keep us going? The longer I go into this challenge, the more I want to give in.

This morning, my sugar cop informed me that she wanted to make eclairs. I nearly died. I simply love anything custard filled like flan or puddings. I told her straight out that if she made them, I would definitely fail my challenge.

So what does she do instead? She makes bread. Gotta love my girl, she definitely takes care of me. Bread is not a sweet so I can enjoy that with dinner.

All of that got me thinking how much we women seek food for comfort. When we are stressed or upset, we turn to things that we find satisfying like chocolate, ice cream or pie. Sometimes, it can be an activity like alone time, crocheting or some other hobby.

What calms you? What provides you with the serenity that we often need? My mom would sit in the garden and enjoy the beautiful flowers. What brings you Joy? Sometimes, it's hard to find that Joy and then maintain it.

Whatever your peace and joy may look like, I hope you find it and cling to it for support. It's a new week, folks. A very Holy week. Let's keep that in mind as we go about our way. Let us remember in all we do this week, all that He did during this week.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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