Thursday, March 5, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I've had many a pity parties in my time! I'm sure there will be many more. There is nothing wrong with having a good venting session nor a good cry. We all need to wash out our eyes once in a while.

What is wrong is when we fall into a deep depression and have no idea how to get back up. This is where my friend Linda is at right now. She is trying to get herself up and she can't. This is where we come in and pray for her. So please keep Linda in your prayers as she struggles with her own illness.

As for me, I am doing quite well right now, but I know when the time comes, I can count on my many prayer warriors to lift me back up.

Sometimes, it's okay to just cry. Have a Blessed day everyone.

My Pity Party
    My pity party started early in the morning . I woke up wanting nothing more than putting the covers over my head and not coming out . Alas , I had a doctor appointment  and Emily had to go to work ( its their busy season ).
   By the time afternoon came , my pity party turned into a bad attitude . Nothing worked today and I didn't care . At the doctors , I was there like two hours and most of that time I was kept waiting . Why ? Why do they keep us waiting as long as they do ? Seriously !
   I got on the scale and I gained weight . But of course ! What else would it say ?! That I lost weight ? End up buying some lounge pants and can't even get my behind into them !
  I just want to climb into my car and drive somewhere far , far away !

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