Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 4

The kind of love that God has for us is the kind of love that can change the world. It’s based on commitments more than feelings. If love were based on feelings, it would not have the power that it does. Love has the power to change everything. That’s the kind of love that God wants us to show the world around us.
Ed Young Devotional

Today was a day filled with all kinds of love. I felt the love in all I did and encountered. The happy kind, the sad kind and the friendly kind.

My day began with my Ministry's general meeting we hold every six months. We usually meet outside of the apartment so all can attend, even the ones that are allergic to cats, especially ours. This time we met at a Dunkin Donuts.

I guess, now you can see my agitated state from last night. Oh, but my friends, it doesn't end there. It will be like that for the remainder as there is a birthday party in the evening.

I hate going out into the world. If I could lock myself in and never venture out, it would be my ideal, but I force myself to mingle, because we need people in our life and they need us.

I love my ladies. We really enjoy the banter that goes on between us. This is that one type of love today. The love of true friendships that exist between individuals where trust resides. You know that what is said here, stays here.

As the day progressed, I spent majority of it with a dear friend who is going through a rough patch in her life. We all have them and we all need someone to hear us out and hold our hand during it. This friend has been in my life for many years and that kind of love is very difficult to find.

My evening was spent celebrating another kind of love, the kind that lives on even when we are no longer here. A family friend is at a stage of her cancer where doctors can no longer be of any use. It was her 54th birthday and all her friends and family came dressed in white to support her during this time.

It was a very dramatic and emotional week for me considering it was to end at this point. What does one say or do when your friend has only six months to live?

During my eight years with cancer, I have seen many people die from this disease and each time, it is heartbreaking to see the pain and deterioration of the human body we are born in. The spirit lives on and moves on, leaving only memories.

This is the way I will die one day.

At church it was Baptism Sunday, and as always, my favorite time. Only this time, I burst out crying, because life begins and life ends as we know it. I cried for my friend going through difficult times and the one who will be entering Heaven soon. I cried for myself, my own mortality and my children's acceptance of it.

I cried for the One who died on the Cross for us, His love so evident and our love covenant to Him as we submerge into Baptismal waters.

You see, it is a love day this weekend. There are all kinds of love around us. I'm glad to have these people  in my life. Suddenly, my love of sugar is nothing to the love I have been shown, adorned with and given.

I can do this.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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