Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Confident Woman

Along with my order of Girl Scout's Cookies, came a pleasant surprise in the mail. For a lover of books, it couldn't get any better. Another book to add to my growing collection!

As I indulged myself in a large glass of milk and a whole box of cookies, I thought of the title itself. Don't we all wish we could consider ourselves as confident women? Yet, few of us have ever felt as such.

I believe no matter how high we reach on the career ladder or personal level, we as women are very tough on ourselves regarding our role. Maybe because we have so many of them?

We are so many things to so many people, that we forget to be something for ourselves. We become lost somewhere along the way as young women and spend our latter years trying to find ourselves or redefine who we are.

I believe that has happened to me. I've wondered for a very long time, why I didn't live out these past eight years sooner? What took me so long to find my purpose? The talents I use now, I've always had since childhood and yet they lay dormant until now.

It seems it has taken the threat of dying early for me to wake up and realize what is important to me. Before I die, I want to really live my life.

That confident woman lives in all of us, we just have to reach in and pull her out as we rediscover ourselves in our growing years. We age , we grow, and we learn.

Have a blessed day everyone and don't be so hard on yourself.

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