Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Oh Starry Night

I have to admit that this has been one of the best weekends we have had in a long time. What did we do? We rested.

One part of the weekend was spent having friends over and the other relaxing doing absolutely nothing, but lounging on the couch with the remote in hand.

We were resting. . . . . and waiting.

We were waiting for that snow to come that never came. You see, that snow that comes unexpectedly while one is inside, almost looks beautiful. It can come then.

We just don't want the snow while caught right in the middle of it going to work and back or doing everyday errands.

It was the weekend and a perfect time for it to drop. Oh, starry night ,covered with snow. So pretty and peaceful looking while we  would be on the inside lounging on the couch.

Don't we wish we could choose when things happen? Make them happen when things are better suited to our needs? And wants? Wouldn't that be a tiny bit boring?

Don't get me wrong, snow is the last thing I'm looking for, but when I saw the forecast for the week and snow possibilities of snowfall, I'd rather it happened on the weekend when I was comfortably at home.

Honestly, I think we are done with any major snowstorms for now. Like I said, it's beautiful when looking through a window, but go out there in it and it's a different matter.

Still, it was a wonderfully peaceful weekend spent at home with friends and family. I certainly hope the trend continues.

Happy dreaming of the upcoming weekend and have a Blessed day everyone.

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