Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Corner To Corner

There is a blanket pattern that I have learned a while back that no matter how many times I have tried to perfect, it never quite goes the way I planned. I start off doing great, all the stitches looking beautiful and neat. Then I get to  the halfway point and every single time, I end up having to unravel majority of it and redo it. It has become a challenge that I'm determined to overcome.

It is the same in my life. I am constantly struggling with lack of time to perform all my activities and dissatisfaction with my job. That same determination pushes me to go on trying and persevering that one day I will go both  to work joyfully and return joyfully. Plus, all my work would be done.

There was a time where I totally enjoyed going to work. I can remember as a young woman going off to work religiously not missing any days nor having a desire to call in sick. That is not how I feel nowadays. I truly believe it is the place itself, especially since I have been there over 20 years.

Yet, something inside of me keeps me moving one day at a time. That same voice encourages  and hopes that maybe today will be different. Usually it isn't. Just like I do with the corner to corner blanket.

All of us have some sort of struggle whether it is dieting, gossiping or in my case, the work place. We get up, we try, we fall down, we feel bad that we failed and we get back up again. It's a vicious cycle, but one we don't give up on.

I have never been a bold person who ventures out into the unknown  with nothing except Faith. I've watched my fellow co-workers leave in pursuit of their dreams( 3 to date )in awe of their bravery. Another will follow suit in a couple of weeks and begin a new business.

I wish I was more like them.

Have a blessed everyone.

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