Monday, June 29, 2015

A Still Monday

I tossed and turned all night long unable to find a comfortable niche that would lure me to fall into a deep sleep. Instead, I awakened numerous times, uncomfortable, hot and sore. I should have gotten up and watched some television, but I knew there was nothing good on.

I'm not sure when the rain started, was it around 4am or 5? It doesn't matter, I knew that today would be a long and quiet day. I'm tired and achy. Already my mind has been drifting off to another time and another place.

So much to do and all I can think about is lounging around doing absolutely nothing. I don't want to talk to anyone or be bothered in anyway. I'm seeking solitude today. Ever have a day like that?

 Can we really do that in today's world? Unless we lock ourselves inside our homes, it's hardly possible. We come into contact every single day with other people. People and issues abound.

I already know that almost everyone I'd come into  contact today will wonder and ask what is wrong with me. My simple answer of nothing will not satisfy them.

What's wrong with you?

Why are you mad?

Why are you so crabby?

Come on, smile.

All I want to do is scream leave me alone. Sometimes, we just need a moment to ourselves to regroup our thoughts, to refresh our minds. Is that so very wrong? I don't think so. I think it is mandatory for our mental and spiritual health. We all need some quiet time, a still moment for reflection. Today is that day for me.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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