Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Choo Choo All The Way

"I want to be a conductor," I tell Joey as I get off the train.
" And who is going to help you off the train?" he answers.

That always brings a smile to my face whenever I remember that moment. There is something about a train that brings out the little girl inside of me. Not exactly sure if it is the nostalgic era of Agatha Christie's murder mysteries or the memory of a favorite beau who happened to love trains.

Either way, I love trains. I love riding them. I love hearing them and I love it when the whistle  blows loudly. I can almost feel the rush run through my veins standing on the platform welcoming the incoming train.

One of my dreams is to take a ride on the Orient Express that goes through Europe just like the one in Agatha Christie's novels. I could see myself, sipping my tea and crocheting a blanket on my lap. I could look at all  my fellow passengers and create stories about them.

In reality, it's been a rainy kind of month and all is quiet here at home. Emily had her wisdom teeth pulled, laying on the couch like a good patient with her face swollen for a chance instead of mine.

Since the downpour of rain the other day, all street work has been to a minimal and the upstairs is finally finished ready for new dwellers. Rain never stops the lawn maintenance people. They mow the grass in rain  and thunder. Makes no difference to them. It's drizzling outside and here they are faithful as ever.

All this rain brings out the dreamer inside of me. It's been a long time since I rode on my train. Maybe it's time for a visit.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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