Thursday, June 4, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I really don't know why I went back to the old neighborhood, driving past my old house. Normally, I'm not that sentimental with what was, especially when I move on. I totally believe in not looking back, trying to relive something that is over. When I let go, I let go.

So why did I go? I have often heard others refer to having a desire in revisiting their childhood or young years in a way to say goodbye. Maybe that's what I was doing in my own way. . . .saying goodbye.

Revisiting The Past
      Driving through my old neighborhood the other day, I decided to take a spin past where I used to live. Driving around the back and front of the house, I kept searching for any signs of my old life. To my dismay I couldn't find any .
       Instead, I saw only the garage that needed repair and the window that had a crack. I saw the garden filled with weeds, all drab and unkept. The curtains weren't as pretty as the ones we used to have .
       It was the same old house, yet nothing  like I remembered it. Driving away, I thought to myself , why did I come back here for? What did I hope to find? Obviously, whatever I was looking for was no longer there. You really can't go back.
       Driving home, I thought back to my earlier days with this blog. I remembered the disappointment I felt but was afraid to mention out loud. I don't feel like that anymore. Whatever I felt then stays in the past because I'm a  different person now. That drab house with a cracked window no longer represents me. You can't stop by for a visit. You can only drive past. You don't live there any longer.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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