Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Spend The Day With Me:Pt. 1

While at work, I'm often seen running around like the Rabbit in Alice of Wonderland, but instead of murmuring I'm late, I'm late one can hear me saying I'm so behind! That usually means behind at home.

Why? What exactly do you do at home that makes you so behind?

That  question usually stops me in my tracks. How do I explain what I do? I'm baffled as to how to explain. I easily become tongue-tied regarding my everyday activities.

My life really has four compartments to it. There is my work life, my ministry life, my family life and my writing life. How do I explain to someone that all these parts equal to one me? How do I explain without sounding like I'm bragging?

So what does my day look like? Well, I keep a schedule, although the schedule changes as my needs change. My old schedule had really no schedule at all. I didn't dissect my activities into groups. I usually ended up placing all my work into one big pile. I did whatever was first in that pile. 

That worked when I was on third shift, because I had all day to do that work. The minute I stepped into second shift, that schedule no longer worked. I have been struggling since then to get things done.  That's why I decided to place my life into these four parts. For the next couple of days, I plan on answering that question once and for all. Stay tuned for Part 2.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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