Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday Blues

We have  had so many shut down days at work that when we actually have to do a regular work week, it's pure torture. The first thing we all say to one another: When is the next shutdown day?

That's exactly how I felt this morning when I awakened. I didn't get up immediately, but snuggled even deeper into my blankets. I felt cold and shivers ran through my body. One would think it was October instead of June with this type of weather.

Somewhere deep within my mind, a little voice was saying but the bills, but the bills. Ugh, the bills needed to be paid. Totally disgusted with responsibility, I lifted the covers to get up and almost immediately the cold enveloped my body. Damn, it's cold.

I spent the morning going through the motions of duty. Didn't even bother with opening my curtains. Why should I? It's just gray outside.

There are days like this that it's just hard to move, to continue with the daily rituals of life. We want to stay huddled under the covers until the sunshine comes back, but we can't. Life goes on and so should we.

Activities keep my mind from wandering, focusing on things that are worrisome and troublesome to me. The more time I spend on these things the more negative and unsatisfied with life I become. I allow the devil access and that is the last thing I want or need.

Do you do the same, my friend? Do you open the door and send out a personal invitation for all the wrong things? I know I do. That's why on those blue days, I make myself get up and continue on. If I don't, I definitely will end up spending my day comparing my life to someone else.

Definitely not on my to do list this morning. So yes, it's gray outside and kind of dismal, but let's get moving and doing.

Have a BLESSED DAY everyone.

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