Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Spend The Day With Me:Pt.5

My family life.

So my work life is the most challenging. My ministry life is the most time consuming. My writing life is the least amount spent. What is my family life?

My family life trumps all. I base my entire schedule on what appointments or family social plans I have. Any last minute changes? Everything gets pushed back to accommodate my obligations.

Of course, I love to know at least a week ahead, but there are those times that emergencies happen. Nobody likes those. Thank goodness for my handy desk calendar where both Emily's and my activities are duly noted. We do that for a reason. We want to make sure that each one of us is aware of what the other is doing. Besides, it's easier to schedule family time when you can see it laid out in front of you.

This year has been very difficult for all of us getting together. I almost feel as if we have bitten off more than we can chew with all of our appointments. They have taken away from the family time that I speak of. When the children were little, the family lived close to one another. Then they all grew up and moved away to live out their lives.

We have families spread all over from Springfield to Wisconsin. From Florida to Michigan. How do we get everyone in one place? Just organizing everyone's schedule to fit with one another is challenging. I'm almost thinking of having a family reunion at a camp every year.

I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing family-wise to keep a close knit unity.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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