Monday, June 8, 2015

A Struggling Monday

No matter how beautiful the weekend was, come Monday morning  we all struggle out of bed with forlorn reluctance as the week begins anew. Coming off a Holiday weekend is even harder, because the more time off we have, the more we are reluctant to go back to the norm.

Yet, there are those rare times that a weekend went sour and we run to work to escape. I, myself, have done so many times, especially in my younger days.

As to this weekend, well. . . . it wasn't exactly a well spent time nor a relaxing one. I had breakfast with a friend I haven't seen for awhile this past Saturday. She had made some rhinestone t-shirts for Emily and I with the ovarian cancer ribbon as part of the logo.

We met at Denny's, I ordered my usual mushroom omelet whenever we're out for breakfast. I've been sick all weekend.

I've realized that I no longer can go out and eat wherever. I need to be more choosy or at least choosy with the ordering. Emily and I have been eating healthier and our bodies are so used to that type of food or method of preparing food.

I'm not sure if it was the fried potatoes, the processed cheese in the omelet or the excess of butter, but my body violently rejected the contents. Talk about nausea. Memories of chemo treatments came flooding back. I must have drank gallons of water and multiple packages of saltine crackers.

I feel much better, but alas, it's time to go back to work.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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