Friday, June 12, 2015

Simply Netflix

When we live with someone as roommates, as Emily and I do, you learn how to split the workload and how to compromise on certain things. Each of us has a duty to perform regarding our household.

It also applies to other areas such as entertainment. We have had Netflix for years. One of the things we do is share this Netflix by alternating the movies we watch together. One for her, one for me and so on and so on.

I must have been in a wild and crazy mood one night, because I loaded up my side with nothing, but exercise tapes. Not just any ordinary tapes, but boot camp and advanced yoga. Not just a couple either, but almost all they had in their library. Well, they are arriving much to Emily's amusement. Since they are here, I might as well do them.

Lord, I'm old and I'm overweight. The first one that arrived was actually named Aerobic Boot Camp. I moaned, groaned out loud and ached all over. I'll be honest, I cannot finish the entire hour long DVD in one go. Maybe, I could if I really tried, but I don't want to try.

I don't care for exercising, maybe that's the reason I'm overweight. Technically, diet is not enough when used alone. We are to do both, diet and exercise. I do realize that it's hard now, because of the weight I'm carrying. I know I'd feel better towards it if I lost some weight and then I'd have more energy to exercise.

We shall see what happens, but I will do them.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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