Thursday, May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday

I often wonder about the woman I met years ago during my chemo treatment. I was worried then about her and I'm still worried. Her disbelief in all of this "emotional cancer stuff " was a little more than  upsetting.

Believe me folks, everything we experience in life has an affect on us in one way or another. Even watching a movie affects us and we are touched by a fictional character. Life experiences are a lesson and how we absorb it affects our growth or lack of it. We cannot go through life and not feel all the emotions that come forth from it.

This always reminds me of another time when I was preparing for my baby's baptism as a Catholic. We were in a class and there were many new parents. The instructor asked us "repeat offenders" to offer some good advice. Going around the room, it was my turn. I said:" What works for one, doesn't work for the other. Follow your instincts."

Of course, one of the moms became upset, because according to her Dr. Spock book there is a system and she doesn't leave home without that book. It was her bible.

I often wonder about that woman and how her "bible" has worked out for her.

I'm Sexy And I Know It
 While at Chemo the other day , I met a woman my age going through breast cancer . We shared the same room . Believe me , I wasn't happy . All I wanted that day was to be left alone crocheting and doing my puzzles . This woman would not stop chattering away with me .
  I sat there and listened to her telling me how having cancer isn't as bad as people make it out to be . Her life hardly changed at all . Her husband and three teenage daughters were doing just great . She works fulltime and has absolutely no side effects from the chemo . She has no hair but doesn't understand what the big deal is about being bald . It doesn't bother her at all . Everything is just fine .
   I looked at her with awe . My face red beet in color from the steroids . My  chest all red from the stinking tape that covers my infusion needle . God Bless her , I thought , because she is where I was at 4 years ago denial . When it finally hits her , she will be devastated at how much her life has really changed .
  Suddenly , I realized , I'd rather be where I'm at .......overweight , bloated , red-faced , exhausted and sick all the time then back in that place 4 years ago . Bring on those side effects ....I'll deal . I want to be healed not only physically but spiritually . I also realized that I need to stop with feeling sorry for myself . Need to get off this obsession I seem to have with how I look .
  A few days ago , I read in my devotional  that if we could just see ourselves the way God sees us then we would love ourselves more . Can you imagine how beautiful I must look to him . When He sees me He doesn't see the flaws , the dirt ........He sees me clean and shiny....all brand new . I am His Creation ...His Masterpiece .
  I sashayed out to the bathroom and caught myself in the mirror . All my love handles , muffin tops , junk in the trunk , bald headed and my turkey gobbler chin . He thinks I'm beautiful . It's about time I started to believe it . Did a spin in front of that mirror . Yep , I'm sexy and I know it !!!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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