Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Beat Goes On

Years ago, some men were on a leaky old ship in the middle of a rough and stormy sea. One of them asked the captain, “Are we safe?”  He said, “Well, the boilers are weak and may explode at any moment. The ship is taking on water. To be very honest with you, we may go up, or we may go down, but at any rate, we are going on.”

There is one thing I know about the women in my family, we have endurance. It doesn't matter how tough things get, we stand up and fight. We can be bawling our eyes out during that fight, but we keep on fighting. But then, what else can we do?

Should we lay down and give up? We can't, we have too much to lose. We have to lead our families the best we can.

Take for instance this morning. I woke up with a strong desire to turn over and forget the world. The sun was streaming brightly through my bedroom window and for once, I wanted nothing to do with it. All morning, I moped through the house, lazy as ever. Nothing appealed to  my sense of duty and obligation. I walked past the laundry, the dishes and the vacuum as if they were invisible.

Sometimes, we have these boo-hoo, I don't want to do anything kind of days. I want to give up, because I don't want to care. Let me just sit here and list off one by one all the things that are wrong with me and my supposed life.

Ever have those days?

I have been working on this baby blanket and no matter how many times I have unraveled this thing, it's still not coming out right. Not only is it crooked, but ugly as well. People have been under the illusion that I know how to crochet well. If they only knew the truth.

I want to toss it in the trash, but I can't.

You see, there is that something inside of  me that keeps saying get up and finish it. Someone out there took the time to go and buy this yarn so I can make this baby blanket. How can I throw this out like it's nothing? How can I not finish what I began? Are there not people who are looking to me to finish my projects? They're depending on me.

So I get up, do the laundry and the dishes, leaving the vacuum for tomorrow. I am a procrastinator, okay? I will fix this blanket, I will.

The world turns no matter what happens to you or me. Lives still get ruined and saved everyday. We have to keep going, we have to.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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