Saturday, May 23, 2015

A Deep Cleanse

Looking around the  kitchen, I quickly noticed how badly it needed a good cleaning and a paint job. In fact, as I walked around the entire apartment, I found things wrong with it.

The hallway carpet needed a good scrubbing, the same boring layout in the living room since we first moved in. Every room that I looked into, I found myself dissatisfied with something. The whole lot should just go. What we needed here was change, a new beginning.

Ever since the disappointment I've been feeling displaced, dissatisfied and discontented. We have been good girls waiting patiently for the next stage in our lives. We've been praying and keeping the faith. We pray, it's a no. We pray again and again, each time a no. It is very disheartening when God keeps saying no all the time.

So I've been left feeling a little left out. Left out from everyone else around me.

Maybe you've fallen into a well of discouragement because compare to " ---------" you're not making nearly the difference he or she is. To all that feel overwhelmed or who are tempted to take a much too critical look at their lives and feel insignificant. Take heart! Do what you can.
Charles Swindoll

Honestly, I don't know what I would do without my devotionals. They always seem to say the exact thing I need to hear. Isn't that amazing?
Today, after that awful walk through of our place, we rolled up our sleeves to tackle that discontent in  the only way we knew how. . . . we cleaned. With every dose of elbow grease, it felt like another piece of the puzzle straightened out.

We've always done that in the past, cleaned or organized and somehow, it felt like our life was in order once again. We all need a little cleanse now and then, especially when were waiting.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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