Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Multi-tasking All The Way

I love to multi-task. One would usually find me in my room, sitting at my desk, with the television playing or an audio on my computer. The computer is on with multiple windows opened at once (my e-mail, Facebook and blog). Next to my desk is my basket of yarn and current piece that I'm working on. Under my desk, there is a small container for all my papers and mail that I need to sort through. On top of my desk, under my keyboard, lies a large calendar with all appointments and important dates penned in accordingly.

I am, somewhat organized. The only problem happens to be that my bedroom is a multi-purpose room, which usually ends up being crowded and cramped. Oh well.

I am at any time working on three of these things at once.  Besides all that, there could be a load of laundry downstairs or a meal being cooked on the stove or oven. I might drop things in here and run out into the living room to vacuum quickly. Whichever, multi-tasking is a way of life for me that I enjoy thoroughly.

When my computer crashed and my phone was not working, I thought I would go nuts. I spent that week only crocheting and watching television. My poor mind went haywire with only that as an activity to process. I learned then that instead of relaxing, I became even more stressed unable to focus and worrying about all that I wasn't doing.

I suppose all of this sounds crazy to you, but time is so important to me. The last thing I ever want to do is waste it. I know that everyone is saying quite the opposite about us multi-tasker's and how we need to slow down, but is it really that bad? Considering how the world has become so demanding of our time, so what if we kill two birds with one stone.

Or at least, that's how I comfort myself. I know that sooner or later, my life will take on a more quiet and leisurely lifestyle. In the meantime, I love to be busy and I love  to multi-task.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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