Friday, May 8, 2015

Crack Me Up

I love it when my friends send me pictures of things related to me. To me it shows that they care about me and think of me. Who wouldn't want friends like that?

This one cracked me up, something I really needed.
I wouldn't mind owning a mug like that. Now, if I could just find a good taste of java to put in it. I think I'm on the verge of breaking up with my love of coffee, but isn't that normal? I mean, we go through things in life and after awhile decide we don't need it as much as we have done in the past.

That idea brought up many other incidents where elimination of things that no longer appeal to me for some reason. For instance, I have no need to apologize for the way I am. I feel if you haven't liked me by now and I'm fifty, you'll never like me. Why should I keep saying I'm sorry for being who I am? This is my life and this is how I live it. Get used to it.

I have no tolerance for other's bad behavior, either. Why am I making excuses for someone who has no desire to change? I feel as if we're making justification for their bad behavior so they can feel good about themselves. They're having a bad day or they're going through something right now.

Poppycock! They're just plain mean spirited. I'm having a bad day, too, but I still have to be nice to everyone. I still have to show respect and compassion toward others.

So you see, something happens when we turn a certain age and suddenly we have no desire to put up with anything. I'm not sure if it's because we have spent a lifetime doing so or something else.

All I know is that I'm tired this week, so bring on the weekend!!!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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