Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Craving Within

I've grown soft with age. No longer do I partake in drama of any kind nor does it  inject a thrill. The minute my ears get a hint of any discord, they recoil in repugnancy.
The craving within me seeks peace and joy in all I do. It is amazing to me how people's energy can be transformed from one person to the next within mere seconds of contact. Whatever they're feeling, you will end up feeling, too. It doesn't matter if that emotion is negative or positive, the transfer is immediate.
One small insignificant encounter, yet negative, can change a person's entire day. How can we avoid this from occurring? I have no idea. I wish I knew.
We get up every single day and place a smile upon our faces, ready to embark out into the world. That one rattling encounter could only last seconds and suddenly our entire mood shifts from happy to frustration. The devil folks, is busy indeed, playing havoc with our lives.

My inner being can't have any of that. Stress or any kind of negativity affects me and I find it difficult to deal, usually resulting in a mental breakdown and exhaustion. The city, as well, has been bothering me with the constant traffic jams, car pollution and it's angry inhabitants. More and more, I want to retreat far away where I can stare out into the cornfields or pastures.

The daily grind, is indeed a grind. I wish people would keep their energies to themselves, but we have been taught to share. Of all the time to remember their manners. Watch out, everyone. The world lives out there.

Have a Blessed  day everyone.

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