Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Human Heart

Many women I know don't look forward to Valentine's Day because they feel it shines a spotlight on what is wrong in their relationship or what is just plain missing in their life. Whether you're single or married, I feel for you. And in some ways, I can relate.
Cindi McMenamin

I swore I wouldn't write about it, but when I walked into work and she asked me how my Mother's Day went, I caved. I caved, because I saw the longing and the sadness in her face of not being able to experience being a mom. She looked at me as if I was Royalty, because I had something that she always wanted and will never achieve herself.

I don't like to write about Holidays on a Holiday. There are so many people out there who cannot enjoy that Holiday. The last thing I  want to do is bring out their pain.

What about all the women who will never be moms, and the ones who were moms, but gave up their child in adoption.  Or the ones who  lost  their child to an illness or in combat.

It's the same on Valentine's Day, all those supposed declarations of love. Not all women have that experience. Some were never told they were beautiful or loved, but beaten instead. Others are perhaps in dire straits financially and getting flowers is something that is not possible now.

The same goes for 4th of July, Thanksgiving etc. for every celebration out there, there is a wounded heart somewhere ready to end it all, because of all the memories that were brought forth to the surface.

For some reason, I can feel their pain, so I don't write about a particular Holiday on a Holiday. There are only two exceptions( Christmas and Easter) and even then the majority don't celebrate the true reason.

It will be a long time before I forget that look on her face. The tears that she must have shed. The heart that has desired and yearned hopelessly, but will never be satisfied. How I feel for these people. How can I ease their pain?

Let's remember that before we flaunt our gifts and luxuries before the whole world. Look what I got on my special day?! Let's be encouragers and not destroyers of the human heart.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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