Saturday, May 9, 2015

Friends Forever

Friendships . . . . we're always looking for someone to share our life with whether they are our mates or our best friends. The problem with friendships is that it can really hurt you.

People have often said that the worst thing in life is death, but I believe they are wrong. Death for a Christian is a welcomed blessing, a new journey we've been waiting for all of our life. The process maybe scary, but there is new life in the death.

I think the worst thing in life is betrayal.

Betrayal comes in all forms: The betrayal of a mate, a family member, a dear close friend, backstabbing of a co-worker. The list could go on and on with endless forms of betrayal.

When we are betrayed, we can feel it deep down within our hearts. It can take a very long time to heal and for some of us that may never happen. We carry around that hurt within us affecting all other relationships from that point on. It can become like rot in a barrel of good apples. Place a  little bit of rotten fruit inside and soon the rest will become bad. That's how betrayal can affect our soul.

I know, because that's what happened to me.

You see, it's difficult to get past that betrayal even when we forgive, but it's the forgetting that we have a problem with. Everything could be fine and then one day we run into that very person. Suddenly, all that hurt comes back, fresh as the day it occurred.

There is no fast cure in getting over the betrayal. I wish I could say it was fast and painless, but it wasn't. It has taken a while to heal, but finally, I can now both forgive and forget. I first had to work on myself and then I could be really free.

Why does the betrayal hurt so much?

It hurts because we give so much of ourselves to the relationship. We share things that no one else knows about and we bare our souls. Unfortunately, a bad betrayal can affect some of us forever, never allowing anyone to come closer to us again. Don't let that happen to you. Allow Jesus to work within you to free your soul from bitterness of the betrayal.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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