Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Construction

Construction, construction and more construction. It seems that this entire weekend we have been dealing with construction. Now that the floor work is finally done upstairs and we finally had a quiet day on Sunday, now the street construction right outside our window began. Plus, they're not even done upstairs completely for another two weeks!

It seems I've been popping pills for this headache of all headaches all weekend. Not a great way to start the week. I'm almost afraid to go into work. Who knows how that will be, it is my most stressful place.

This brought to mind an interview I saw many decades ago of a tennis player. The reporter asked him what was the hardest game he ever played. He replied that the hardest game is the one where you know you will lose, but you still have to finish.

How very true, indeed.

Will this be a difficult week? Most likely. At least, it's beginning to look like it, but I will finish it. I may be stressed, wanting a good cry and a glass of wine, but I will finish it.

Monday's are difficult without all this other stuff added to it. So let's turn this sucker around before it consumes us. What is the positive here in all of this?

One, I will have a beautiful street to look at and ride on. Two, I will be up early every morning. Three, I will appreciate the upcoming weekend a lot more. Four, work may actually become a haven for me as an escape. Who knows? Miracles happen all the time.

So are we ready to face whatever comes this week? Absolutely, bring it on!

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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