Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Simply Words?

Words hold plenty of power. If you're a human being living on this Earth, you have been both a victim and a victor of words. Why do people want to hurt one another so very badly, especially with words? Sometimes, I think we are so engrossed in this world that we forget what we are doing and saying.

Words have a huge affect on how our day goes, how we feel about ourselves and how we deal with others. Words can affect our whole outlook on relationships with those around us.

Words are one of the reasons why I have a difficult time living in the secular world. I don't even think that people are aware of what they are saying. They just blurt out the first thing that pops into their heads.

There is a STOP sign right in front of our building. If you could hear some of the things that come forth out of these mouths. It's like pop=pop=pop without a second thought. I wonder if I recorded them and played it back to them, how would they react? Would they be ashamed? No, they would be on the defensive, feeling justified for their behavior.

I, myself have lost my cool on occasion, but believe me, I recover a lot faster than some. If not, The Holy Spirit or Emily will quickly bring me back. It has happened.

He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
Saint Basil (330-379) 
Matthew 15:18 (ASV) But the things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart; and they defile the man.

None of us are perfect people and we need constant reminders to stay on the straight and narrow. Let's watch our words, people.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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