Friday, April 19, 2019

The 100 Day Project:Day 15 Of Writing

                                                                 Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

What heart can comprehend Thy name,
Or, searching, find Thee out?
Who art within, a quickening flame,
A presence round about.
Yet though I know Thee but in part,
I ask not, Lord, for more:
Enough for me to know Thou art,
To love Thee and adore.

Every single time a Holiday approaches, I become so emotional in what that Holiday represents. Jesus died for me today. He died for us. Do you know that, my friend? Who else do you know that has died and sacrificed so much just for you?

I don't know about you, but I have no one like that in my life. Only Him. Oh, I've had many people say that to me, but could they do what He did? Just for me? Could any of us? I'm not so sure. 

It hurts me to see others treat this day as if it meant nothing. Just another day to sleep in. Just another day to spend money on. Just another day to have a huge meal made. Just another day to indulge in. Just another day.

People have forgotten the importance of what took place all those centuries ago. They are too busy preparing their Easter Egg Baskets, but not their hearts for Him. 

The World has become so materialistic. So greedy for their own pleasure. The real meaning behind every single Holiday out there has fast been getting lost in the merchandise. I hope you take a moment today to thank the One who gave up His life so we could live. Only Jesus. 

Happy Good Friday everyone.

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