Monday, May 20, 2013

Turning The Pages Pt.2

Deadline : Sunday

One day left to finish Destiny's Journal for her 8th grade graduation . In one day ,  she will go from a gradeschooler to a
full-blown  teenager . Where has the time gone ? I can still remember her at the age of two weeks , when her mom ( my niece )
brought her over while she finished school .

Yes , Destiny has been a huge part of our lives from day one . Glancing her way , I notice what a grown up young lady she has become , makeup and all . In fact , taking a look at all our children , made me realize how fast they are growing  up .

Time is flying by faster than we want it . I wish I could make life so much easier for all of them . They have so much living to do , and not all of it happy .
How do we let them know what's coming ? How do we prepare them for the future ? How do we prevent the tears ? Life isn't all joy .

We really can't . When Joey left , at the age of 19 yrs. , for Missouri , he ran out the door without so much as a glance back . I stood there , teary eyed , waving and watching the car's lights disappear . He was flying high and couldn't wait to start living alone in his first apartment . It took his car breaking down a month later , for him to come down to earth and realize life isn't a bowl of cherries .
Life is hard and keeping our Joy is even harder . Our children are growing up faster with each generation  or maybe it seems like that because I'm grower older , too . I think it's the latter . It seems the older they get , the more control we lose . As they gain independence , we end up being more like advisors than parents  . Isn't that what we strived for when we brought them home from the hospital ? Whatever .
I guess , my great words of wisdom to them is to start out in life the right way . When you start out the right way , even when you fall backwards , it will be alot easier to get back on track . In other words , they follow in my footsteps . Everything they need to know on how to live their life is in that Bible .
Have a Blessed day everyone and God speed to all the grads !

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