Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Celebration Of Womanhood

When I was pregnant with my first child , my mom became very emotional as she watched my journey into motherhood . Even though , she had grandchildren already , it was her first from me . The whole process was more endearing and tearful just because I was her daughter .

There is something about watching your daughter become a woman . You see her maturing from a little girl , emerging from her shell . There are sad moments you cry with her , happy moments  that you act silly and scary moments where you wish you could shield her from life's pitfalls .

When at our best , we as women , are each other's encouragers and greatest supporters . When at our worst , we can be each other's adversaries diminishing our self-worth . None of us are exempt from the tower of shame . We all fall down and can be either of these women .

Today is Mother's Day , but in my eyes , we all are  mothers whether we have children or not . We all are mentors and role models in one way or another to someone out there . So let's celebrate being women . All the mothers mentoring the future mothers-to-be .

                                                    She is clothed with strength and dignity:
                                                    She can laugh at the days to come .
                                                                         Proverbs 31:25
Happy Mother's Day !

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