Friday, May 24, 2013

My Lot In Life

I have received many compliments on how well I'm handling
my " lot in life " , sort to speak . Little does anyone know that's not entirely true . There are many times that I'm feeling very down  and defeated with my " lot in life " . During those times , I put on a good front in public , but when I get home , I'll have a good cry .

Moments like that are rare for the most part . I'm more happy than I am sad . I try to comfort myself remembering something Charles Stanley said .

Trusting the Lord makes obedience easier and obedience produces ever-increasing trust .

It's hard to understand when things just seem unreasonable . It's even harder to be obedient and stay the course . We always want to know the " why " this is happening to us . Since I have cancer , everyone automatically assumes that is my lot in life . Far from it . I have gone through a lot worse in life than this little ole cancer .

The way we respond to God's challenging assignments reveals our level of commitment .
I have learned to stay the course , but when those rare days come , defeat slumps my shoulders and I lament the " why " . Your mind struggles with reasons and questions , fear overtaking logic and you want to run the other way .
 Obedience is always the best choice, because the Lord is trustworthy and wise.
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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