Thursday, May 23, 2013

May Updates

  I started these updates a few months ago , because one day , I sort of ran into a blank wall and didn't know what to write . I wish all of you could read the e-mails I receive . People really want to know more about something I wrote about earlier . I get asked so many questions that I've decided to do one at least once a month .

This month alone , has been one of the most busiest ever . We have this desk-sized calendar and it's filled with appointments and events . It's also been a very topsy , curvy month with emotions rising from low to high .

The number one question this month has been regarding  my new treatment . I've only had two so far , but my body has been adapting beautifully . I am extremely tired , more than any other time , but I can deal with this just fine . I take about 3 or 4 days off from work  to rest up . When I'm at work , it really tires me out where I'm dead on my feet by the end of my shift . My hands have recovered nicely from the previous treatment , but my feet still have a way to go .

Another burning question happens to be about my new landlord . What's new ? Absolutely nothing . Ever since  he dropped by the day of the closing , there has been no sign of him at all . I did speak to one of my neighbors and learnt some news . The previous owner had quite a few of these buildings and he bought two of them . That is some serious money .

Do you remember the family that suddenly moved out and left the place all trashed ? Well , it has surfaced that they were not paying their rent and that's why they left in the night . You never know what's behind all the smiles on people's faces .

My Uncle John passed away this month and his death is still very much felt . My grandma is taking this extremely hard , which is understandable . My mom still has moments where tears come falling without explanation . He died quite young and for the men in our family , this has become a warning to take care of themselves better .

My niece's daughter graduated 8th grade this month ! When I saw the pictures of my mom with her , I thought to myself , my mom is truly Blessed . Not many women can say that they witnessed their great-granddaughter's graduation  and looked great doing it . It made me teary-eyed staring at that picture . . . . . all those generations standing together . Will I live long enough to see that ?

The biggest transformation took place with Emily . Not only has she committed her life to Christ , but she was baptized . What all of you don't know is that she did that completely on her own . That's probably the first thing in her life that she didn't need my help . Right now , like a lot of people after baptism , she is being tested . I have to say , I'm really admiring her in this test . Again , prayers fro strength and endurance are very welcomed .

It's been a hectic month , with every high came a low , with every smile came a tear . Through it all , I have become very proud of my family , especially my children . I love seeing the young adults they have become . I can't wait to see what else God has in store for them .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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