Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Simple Living

I really love to watch any show that pertains to country living such as  Mountain Men or my favorite , Alaska : The Last Frontier . I'm always amazed at how self-sufficient these people are in rustic surroundings .

They can build their own homes , grow their own vegetables and hunt for their meat . Their life looks hard , yet simple . Let's be honest , I like to pretend I  can live like that , too . I know that I don't have what it takes to live that kind of life . I 've grown lazy in my old age .

For awhile now , I have been considering how I can incorporate simple living into my lifestyle . How can I change my life for the better regarding my finances , my health and my relationships ? How can I bring some of that green country living into my life ?

Emily and I have come a long way trying to achieve that . We pretty much cook and bake from scratch , making our own pancakes , pasta , crepes and cakes , even ice  cream . I have canned in the past and believe in recycling . We have made our own cards , crocheted items and hand crafted many gifts , but its not enough  .

I want to live a life that is healthy and stress free . I don't want toxins and chemicals in  my cleaning supplies . I certainly don't want any preservatives in my food . I want my body to be as healthy and strong as it can be to help fight this cancer .

So where does one start ? By focusing on one thing at a time . First , I began with my weight  by eliminating eating pasta , rice , potatoes and bread . It's been about three weeks and I have lost a measly four pounds . Even though the weight loss has been small ,  I have noticed how my body reacts when I do occasionally eat carbs . Basically , I get sick . That alone tells me how much better I am without carbs in my body .

Believe me , sometimes , I feel that if I eat another apple . . . . . but I know that in the long run it is better for me . Have a Blessed day everyone .

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