Friday, May 17, 2013

Oh , How He Loves Me

Everyday , I am reminded of how much God loves me . . . . every . . . . .  single  . . . . . day . He provides for me and takes care of me emotionally , physically and financially . No matter how bleak and dire things may seem , He surrounds me with His love and things always somehow work out . Things may work out in ways that I didn't expect or even wanted them to go , but it is better for me in the long run .

My computer has been slowly dying . I can't even be on it long enough to finish any one thing  without it turning off on it's own . My monitor is still the old fashioned box , but it didn't matter to me as long as it worked .

I almost bought a new tower the other day , but I held off not feeling good about it . The money is there , but that would place me in a vulnerable position financially . What if something came up ? I didn't want to take that chance , an old memory quite fresh in my mind .

When my children were teens , I had some extra money in the account so I treated myself to some new curtains for our place . The very next day , an old bill came in the mail that I've forgotten about for almost the same amount . I could have paid it if it weren't for those darn curtains . Everytime I'd look at them , I'd be reminded of that fact . Now , the curtains are long gone by now , but not the lesson learned from it .

So I turned around in the store and went back home without one and decided to deal with it until an opportunity arose . During this time , our building was sold and the new owner came knocking to introduce himself . He brought with him a letter stating what my rent was and how much  security deposit I paid two years ago .

Well , that security deposit amount was wrong , because I paid two months instead of one . After checking things out , it turns out the previous owner only gave him one month deposit instead of two . Called the previous owner and a check for a whole  month's rent arrived today . Now , I can buy a tower and if I want maybe even a flatscreen monitor .

The amazing thing is that I didn't even ask God for it . I didn't pray for it or even expect it . It maybe frustrating , but that's life .  Yet , He still provided for me . A parent always wants to make their child happy .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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