Thursday, May 2, 2013

A New Way Of Life

I remember when I decided to get baptized . It was during a service that our Pastor spoke on baptism . At the end of it , he held up the 3 step booklet and asked if there was anyone who wanted to get baptized . In front of me sat my best friend , Anna . I leaned over to her and asked if she would baptize me .

Later , she told me that only a few days before , she broke up with her live in boyfriend , because she wanted to live with Christian values . She prayed to God that He would keep her so busy she wouldn't have time to think about it .

That was a God moment , because I never thought about baptism . I was baptized as a baby and I didn't feel the need to do so as an adult . At that moment , something came over me and I felt it was the right thing to do . I think God placed both of us together to serve out each other's needs .

During those three weeks of going through that 3 step booklet , brought us closer together . We bonded and since then have become very close buddies . We would practice the act of submerging and she would always drop me . She didn't drop me when it mattered .

I remember that Sunday very well . It was September 28 , 2008 . My niece Kathy was also baptized that day and my other niece Carol delivered her son within the hour after . When I came up from that water , I totally felt like a brand new person . I've never regretted that decision .

So why am I bringing it up now ? Well , there is a secret going around . A secret that will be revealed real soon .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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