Thursday, May 9, 2013

A Cup Of Coffee

A cup of coffee does many things . It can provide a perk when feeling sluggish and it can be a start to a great conversation . It can also become a comforting friend when one is feeling low . You can take a sip , close your eyes and unwind .

I am happy .

The minute I said those words , I knew , just knew the devil would come out and challenge me .

It started at work last night . I walked a record 32, 000 steps according to my pedometer . Everything that one could imagine going wrong . . . did . When it was all said and done I felt every single one of those steps in my back , my feet and my spirit .

Take a sip , close your eyes and unwind . I am happy .

I came home to sit and wait for a city inspector that never showed . By the end of the day , three more papers were shoved under our door with three more appointments . Apparently , they don't think I need sleep . People show no regard to us third shifters .

While waiting for that no-show , I tried to write my blog  to no avail . Couldn't even start my computer . It is officially down needing repairs .

Another long sip and remember you are happy .

An alarm goes off on the cell warning of the bank balance getting pretty low . No one is around to answer any of my phone calls and finally my phone runs out of juice . That darn thing just refuses to charge .

On days like this , I'm almost afraid of stepping outside . What else will happen ? Will I break down mechanically on my way to work ? How else will the devil try to steal my joy ? That's what he is trying to do . . . . steal my joy .

Glancing over at my Emily , ( her week since her baptism hasn't been any better ) sitting serenely in my armchair writing in her God journal . I notice how calm she really is in spite of all the disappointments . Why ? How ?

Because I trust God will take care of it all , she says .

All anger and disappointment leaving , my shoulders slump , absorbing her wise words . Picking up my cup of coffee , I join her in solitude and let God take care of it all .

Yes , I am happy and tomorrow I will feel it again .

Have a Blessed day

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