Friday, May 3, 2013

Life And Death

How quickly life ends and death begins and life again .

It was almost 1 a.m.  when the phone rang . I almost didn't answer, but when I saw it was my mom , I reached for the phone . She never calls me at this time . When I heard her voice break down in tears , I immediately became awakened and alert . My Uncle John ( her brother in Poland ) died in his sleep . He was 63 years old .

Life ends and death begins and life again  .

Later that morning , Emily packs for her first Women's Retreat . All week , it's been an emotional roller coaster as her heart gets ready for a soul searching journey . There will be tears and forgiveness and renewal .

An old life ends and a new one begins .

Back in Poland , my Aunt and my four  married cousins along with their families , prepare for the burial of their father , husband and my Uncle . For them , life will never be the same again . Today's date forever etched in the memory card of their heart . There will be tears and questions of why now and then more tears .

And a new life begins .

That same night my Uncle took his last breath , my Kathy lay caressing her swollen belly . Dreaming of her unborn babe and the new life his birth will breathe into their little family . A child  . . . .
a son .

An old life ends and a new one begins .

As we all shed tears down here on Earth , in Heaven , Jesus opened His arms wide and my Uncle ran to Him . 
And a new life begins .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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