Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Let It Rain

The morning began just like any other , filled with errands . Somewhere between filling up with gas and heading to a shoe store , the heavens opened up and exploded in a downpour . Everyone scurried for shelter as if the water could melt a human being if touched by it .

We shopped on , undeterred by the darkening of the clouds and thunder heard overhead . Finding a pair of shoes was more important than a little rain . As long as we don't see a huge funnel in the sky , we are good .

It seems that everywhere I look , lately , there have been quite a lot of stories on storms . How to prevent a storm : how to overcome a storm : Even the  weather channel has spoke of impending storms . The people around me are weathering a storm of their own . The storms are everywhere . No one is exempt .

Driving home past the woods , Emily and I couldn't help noticing all the beautiful , green , lush grass and trees . You could see the deer approach the rain soaked leaves as if to take a sip . When the storm is over everyone comes out to partake in the beauty .

To me , a storm cleanses the earth . It refreshes and revitalizes the life on it . It's almost like a baptism , where  one is renewed and washed clean to start living again .

When a storm happens , I don't complain about the inconvenience of it . I think of all the debris that will be washed away . I think of all the lakes and rivers that will be replenished with fresh water . I think of how God has provided for all the living things here on Earth by having water to drink and water for our crops to grow .

Of course , there are the storms that wreck havoc like tornadoes , floods , hurricanes . . . No one likes those , not even myself . Only God knows what purpose they are serving .

These small storms that come and go , I can handle those . Here it is the afternoon  and the sun is shining . All traces of the earlier downpour gone and the world in Elmwood Park smiling once again . My red Durango looking a lot cleaner , too .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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