Monday, May 13, 2013


Spending the evening with my mom , we were trying to remember when was the last time we had a close family member die . I thought it was my grandfather , but I was wrong .

It was your sons , Lottie .

I was stunned . . . . how could I have forgotten ? It's been twenty-two years since Richie and twenty-five for Fonzie . My sons . . . .

Of course , we have had distant relatives pass , but no one really close , until now . We truly have been blessed .

I've been thinking about my Uncle John and how peacefully he died . He went about his regular routine not knowing it would be his last . He settled down into bed , tucking his arm under his head and closed his eyes and never awoke again  .  His wife and children broken with grief .

When is the grief easier to handle ? Is it better for the family when we die suddenly ? Or is it better to know when one is dying ? Is the grief any different either way ? I've always pondered this question not knowing the answer .

Some people will argue it is better to die suddenly so the family doesn't have the burden of a long  and suffering illness . Quick and easy , the patient doesn't suffer , either .

Others have said they rather have the time spent , grieving as the illness progresses . Loving and caring for their loved one and having that chance of saying I love you for the last time .

I don't know which is better , probably none of it , because either way we have lost someone dear to us . I'm not sure even of what I wantg when the time comes . For now , we grieve , we remember , we cherish the moments spent with the person .

Have a Blessed day everyone .

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