Friday, May 31, 2013

O Humble Me

What is your sin ? The  one that weighs heavily upon your shoulders ? The one that follows you , shadowing your successes ? The one that places a blemish on your self-worth ? The one that hurts your very soul ? What is your sin ?

There are many ways of sinning . We sin intentionally , fully aware of what we are doing , but finding justification for it . We make excuses for our sinning : Well , it's only once in awhile that we sin like this  . God will overlook that , because of our service , commitment and dedication . We come to church every Sunday . . . we serve . We are not like those other people who don't even acknowledge His Presence . Yes , He'll overlook this once in awhile sin .

There are the sins that we do almost everyday , but we consider them tiny , insignificant little sins , almost like  not sinning at all . We keep on with no fear of repercussion until it is brought to our attention . We are caught before we even acknowledge that it is a sin .  That sin is slammed right in our face . That sin is not so tiny  anymore .

What about the ones from our past that are so dark and dirty that we are afraid to confess to God . He might not love us anymore . What will He think of us ? How can we come before Him with the shame of our sin ?

We all sin . We all have experienced these types of sins . Is one any greater than the other ? Sin is sin . There are no levels of greater or lessor . We know that because of the weight of guilt we feel when we sin . In the end , we need to lay down our sin before the feet of Christ . That is the only way the shame can be lifted .

What is your sin ? Let me be the first to lay down my sin . . ..
Have a Blessed day everyone .

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