Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What I Know Is True

   What do I know that is true ? I know that God showers His love and forgiveness upon me . I know He will always provide for me whatever I need . I know He sent His only Son to die on the Cross for me . I know I will go to Heaven one day to be there with Him .
    What do I know that is true ? I know I will always have cancer . I also know the dark shadow of death will chase after me . I know this disease will shape my future . Having this cancer also brought alot of good things in my life .
     What do I know that is true ? I know my children love and respect me  , but most of all , they like me . I know they care what I think and what I do . I know they love spending time with me . I know I will leave a little bit of myself in them . I know they will mourne me after I'm gone .
    What do I know that is true ? I know that I am good at my job . I care about doing the best that I can not just for myself but the people around me . I like the challenging part of my job but not the management . I know I would not be devastated if the facility closed down . I know I make good money doing what I do but I'm not happy there .
   What do I know that is true ? I know that people are generally good hearted but are afraid to show  it in case it makes them look weak or taken advantaged of  . I know that in time of tragedy people come together to help one another . I know people know the difference between right and wrong but choose to do wrong .
     What do I know that is true ? I know it's time for me to get ready for work or I'll be late . I know it's time for you to ask yourself , " What do you know that is true in your life ? "

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