Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Season For Everything

       With the approach of Fall so near , I find myself in anticipation of the coming months . In the past , I've loved the Spring and Summer months and dreaded the other two . Funny , how things change as we get older . I'm quite looking forward to the dreaded other two .
      I have come to appreciate the different seasons . Each one has something different to offer . The activities of the summer has left me longing for the stillness of winter's hibernation .
      I honestly don't care for the snow shoveling and car sliding . The bursts of cold air as you go from one destination to another . The warming up of the vehicle takes forever . I have memories of my younger years when I took a bus everywhere . Standing in the freezing temps. with my feet buried in the snow waiting for that bus that was always late . Shivering , my feet turned into icicles . Yes , winter is definitely not my favorite .
    There is that moment , though , right after a snowfall , where beauty reigns . The snow covered trees and shrubs , right along with snow on the cars , snow everywhere . . . . ah , such beauty !
 Just a moment frozen in time , as children throw snowballs and go sledding . Neighbors helping each other shovel their cars out , giving each other jumps when  they don't start . Unfortunately , all of that gets old pretty quick and we long for summer .
      What I'm longing for is the quietness and the solitude of winter . The days are short and cold . We sit nestled in our flannels on the couch watching a movie or reading our favorite book . We are not winter loving people , so we stay inside . All that is missing from our little scene is a fire . We already have a cat .  As the night howls the coming of a snowstorm , we are glad of the warmth of our apartment .
      Yes , I'm looking forward to winter's coming . I look forward to the quiet and the bliss of being still . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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