Friday, September 28, 2012

Shape It Up

   Have you ever gone on a food binge of your favorite foods ? I have . . . . this week . It seems all good things are bad for you . Now , my body feels like I'm hung over but from food and not alcohol .
   To be honest , it hasn't really been only this week . I have , sort of , slipped off the wagon from healthy eating . On the weekends , we would order out occasionally  and it began to be a habit .
   After changing your diet and being on it for quite awhile , your body will develop an aversion to unhealthy things . You still crave those things , but you don't feel well after giving in to that temptation . That's what I'm experiencing big time this week . . . . . the after effects of unhealthy living .
   With the weekend ahead , I headed straight after work to the fruit/veggie market to stock up on some fresh foods . This month alone , I have nothing but doctor visits and tests . I'll be expected to get on that dreaded scale . One of my kindergarteners once asked me what I was afraid of . . . the scale , of course . They didn't get it .
   What's even worse , I have to acknowledge that my GP was probably right concerning my food habits . That food journal , she asked me to keep ? Well , discarded right along with those good eating habits .
   You see ,  even though , I ate healthy food on a daily basis , I still would give in on the weekends or the occasional sweets at work . Or try one or two of Emily's fresh baked goods which she has been baking regularly . Things like that . Maybe , that doesn't  seem like anything to you , but weight loss has been a problem for me these past 5 years . I have to work real hard to lose the few pounds I have lost . That is the reason why I don't gain , but I don't lose either .
   So , we 're back right where we have started many times before . Maybe , we can advance this time and lose some weight and lower my cholestrol ? Happy Good Eating everyone !

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