Saturday, September 15, 2012

And The Nominations Are . . .. .

   There has been a rare opportunity at work for three positions that are open . Yes , three . It's a rarity , for sure . Things like this just don't happen very often by my work . Recognizing that , people have been applying left and right . I'm one of those people .
    All last night , people were comparing their acheivements on who was better , who was their competition , who didn't stand a chance , who was in the running .
   Off in the corner , working quietly , was a fellow co-worker of mine who is applying for the same position as I , but in a different department . She was worried that her achievements might not be enough or better than the rest . She was worried she would not get this promotion .
    I can understand her worry . Just because we are Christians doesn't mean everything is handed down to us because we
 " believe ". Just because I pray for something doesn't mean I will get it . We are placed where we are for a reason and this may not be the " place " for us .
    For that reason alone I choose to be quiet about it .  I don't want to get excited or vocal claiming what I may believe is a right job for me . Everyone keeps asking if I applied  or if I even want it . I shrug them off with a nonchalant comment and quietly walk away .
   To be honest , I'm not sure myself . If you have been following my blog , you know how unhappy I have been at work . . . . with management in particular . So why did I apply ? Because , off in the corner of my mind , I can hear my Pastor's sermon on this particular topic . We are placed where we are for a reason , even if this place isn't as grand as we may want it . He can see the whole picture where we only see the now .
   There is something " here " , I just can' t see it now . My job is important . Your job is important . All our jobs are important . As unhappy as I may be now , I do believe there is a rainbow at the end here . Maybe , there will be new management , more recognition or more money . Whatever it may be , there is that little something inside telling me to stick it out and stick it out I will .
   Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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