Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Come Rest With Me

 After having such a meltdown last week , it felt glorious to be able to just do nothing but rest . This three day weekend was exactly what this tired old mind and body needed .
  " Come rest in my arms , I will give you new strength "
  I found that written down on a yellow memo stickie among my papers . I don't remember the story behind that little note to myself nor when it happened . Maybe , the real reason was that I could find it weeks or months later to boost me up .
   It doesn't matter because I really did rest . Not only did I go to a Wedding and the Grand Opening Carnival for Sunday School , but spent some time cleaning up loose ends at home . I caught up on things that were getting lost in the " to do " pile . I read my devotionals and I did my laundry .
  I de-stressed in the tub with a glass of wine and listened to music . I watched Agatha Christie and laughed with Hercule Poirot . I crocheted my little heart out and ate takeout . Not one time did I think about work . I had a great three day weekend .
     " Come rest in my arms , I will give you new strength "
  As I sit and write my blog , I remembered how stressed and tense I felt Saturday morning when I came home from work . How I never thought I would be able to relax from all that tension . I could feel all that anger vibrating off me .
    " Come rest in my arms , I will give you new strength "
  I am ready for what the new week holds . I've rested . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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