Monday, September 3, 2012

Two Scoops Of Oatmeal

  It's  funny how our lives change when we hit middle age . Almost overnight , our world goes topsy curvy and we look in the mirror and don't even recognize what we see  reflected . Who is this person ? Everything in our lives changes . For some of us , our children have grown up and we become empty-nesters . For the first time in many years we can use the bathroom alone .
  My middles years have been spent fighting cancer . It was this month ( September ) last year that I first found out my cancer came back . Having just finished going through my regular testing , they came back not very positive . My cancer has awoken and started growing again .
   I remember , sitting with my chemo nurse , Maria ,  going over all the details . I asked her if I would be receiving steroids again . I didn't want to since I gain weight and become bloated with them . She smiled up at me . It's not just the steroids that make me gain weight .
  " Honey , you hit your 40's , got cancer twice , go through a hysterectomy and a forced menopause , all your treatments and surgeries . Your poor hormones are messed up ."
   It's not just the steroids , it's also middle age . Yes , I have entered middle age . This should be the best time of my life . That's how we look at the middle years when we are young . Our children should be gone by then . Our finances improve and become healthy and steady . We become finally free to enjoy what we always wanted to do but couldn't .
   Funny , but they don't end up being just like that . We gain weight after going through some major hormone influctions . We become depressed with the gain . After being a wife and mother all these years , we forget who we are , so therefore , we experience a life crisis . We spend all our savings putting our children through college and  marrying them off so they can start right in life .
   So ...... here I am , 47 years old . I had to completely change my lifestyle after cancer which I did gladly . I don't regret the fruits and veggies lifestyle because I do feel much better with it . BUT to be told that my cholestrol needs to come down when I have given up so much already .....well , that really upsets me .
  So this long-awaited 40's lifestyle has been a total bust . I feel like a senior citizen eating my bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and a bowl before work . This is what my life has come down to . . . . . two scoops of oatmeal .
  Last night , at a wedding , I had some pop . I can't even remember what year it was when I last had pop . All the way home , my body revolted against that pop and I had gas . Just hand me a cane and a walker . I already crochet . A poster child for the elderly . Not that there's anything wrong with the elderly .
  It won't stop me , though . I still plan to live out my life . I may not be running , but I can waddle . Yes , waddle . We have that certain walk that looks like a waddle because our joints hurt and squeak when we get up . . . . so we waddle . Right now , I plan on waddling to do some laundry . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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