Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Missing In Action

   On a Friday , at about 7 pm. , Police came knocking at my door . It seems that one of my neighbors has gone missing . Actually , it was a family of four . A wife , a father and two small toddler boys . No one has seen them for over a week . Their van has been gone from the parking lot . Yet , their bikes , strollers and a red wagon were still in the laundry room .
   That's not what brought the police knocking on our doors . The family living below them in the basement has been smelling an odor . Flies were coming through their vents . All of that plus the missing family living above them . . . . well , they made their own conclusions . They called the police and the management company , voicing their concerns .
  After bringing all of us tenants into the hallway , it was discovered that we all had experienced a fly problem . Unlocking the door proved to be difficult , taking an entire twenty minutes . The  minute the door was opened a stench came pouring out . It was dark , equipped with only a flashlight , the manager went inside .
   The place was filthy , with at least  200 flies on the walls and maggots on the floor . It was littered  with clothes and garbage strewn everywhere as if someone left in a hurry or was ransacked . A walk-through of the apartment found no bodies laying around in plain sight .
   The police could not go in because there was no justifiable cause . Apparently , if a tenant has paid his rent , no one can go in until the month is over . Whether or not these tenants were paid up for the month , I'm not sure . The manager was the only one who could enter . The place was locked again and a man brought to fumagate the hallways until a cleaning crew could come in to clean the place up .
   What has happened to that family ? I'm not sure . I thought about them all weekend , expecting them to come home any minute . They were not filthy people . We didn't have flies and a smell before . Something happened in that apartment and that something wasn't good .
   I thought about the first time we met . They were the first family to welcome us into the building . Emily would bake treats for the kids and all four of them would come over to thank her . The mother would take her two boys for a walk every evening after 6 pm. either in the wagon or the stroller . They were good people or they seemed to be .
   Garbage strewn around could not produce so many flies and so many maggots . I don't have any idea what was in there to have caused that to happen . A real mystery here . A mystery , I hope we can solve . Take care of yourself , everyone .

1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty strange. You really never know about your neighbors. I lived in an apt. once where there was a sweet young couple right below me. They were extremely polite and friendly to me. The first day I moved in they introduced themselves and told me to just let them know if they ever got too loud when they had a party or played their music. I was impressed. Six months later I came home to a police raid. The building was surrounded with police, guns drawn, demanding that this couple surrender or they would break in. Turns out this sweet young couple were dealing drugs big time out of their apartment. I had young kids coming and going every day right past their apartment. I was amazed at how completely they had disguised their real intentions. You just never know... I do hope this couple is found and that they are ok. Sounds very serious...


Puzzles my mom made for me!