Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Crown Of Exultation

  The Crown Of Exultation
                                           The believers we had a hand in bringing to Christ will be our " Glory and Joy " before the Lord . Just imagine how you will rejoice in Heaven upon seeing and talking with people who recognize your contribution to their spiritual development .
                      Dr. Charles Stanley
   When we think of bringing people to Christ , we think of people we have nurtured and mentored for a period of time as if watching an infant become a toddler .  There are others that we come into contact everyday , even for a second , that we have  had an effect on but aren't there to see them grow spiritually .
   We go about our daily lives without thinking that there are consequenses to our meager actions . I say meager because some of what we do , we consider insignificant . It's like those Walmart  e-mails we get where it shows people not in their best outfits . Don't we all do that ? We put on whatever for a quick stop . No one will notice .
    It's the same thing when we pick up our dry cleaning  and are rude to the salesperson . Or we get upset if we have to wait in line awhile longer because the customer in front has an item with no price tag . What about bumping into someone and not saying " excuse me " but instead making a remark on why are they in the way ?
   We like to think these are tiny , meager and insignificant moments in our lives . We will probably never see that person again . Maybe , we won't , but what if our actions affected a person's outlook or choice at that moment they encountered us ?
What if our actions were what kept this person from developing a healthy relationship with Christ ?
   When I read Dr. Charles Stanley article , I wondered if there were any people who came to Christ because of the seeds I planted in their life . Have my actions swayed a person in either direction ? What if my actions depressed someone horribly ? That would be hard to take .
   We all want to feel like we are contributing , but what if all the contributions were all wrong ? That is definitely something to chew on the next time we are out doing our meager and insignificant errands . A quick stop . . . . no one will notice . . . . right ?

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